KIEV. May 3. UNN. The American delegation headed by Finance Minister Steven by Mucinum begins Thursday talks in Beijing on the settlement of disputes in trade between the US and China. It is reported by UNN citing CNN.

President Donald trump sent to China along with the Minister of Finance the Minister of trade of Wilbur Ross, the US representative for trade negotiations Robert Leitheiser, head of the National Council on trade at the White house Peter Navarro, head of the National economic Council Lawrence Kudlow. The main goals of the delegation, as explained earlier, the trump, are the “elimination of barriers” China in the way of American exports and investment, and reducing the US deficit in trade with China.

The head of the American Ministry of trade said on Tuesday that trade disputes with Beijing, Washington in the short term must be ready for “economic shocks”. “If you don’t take the risk and show readiness to cope with a little pain, then how are you going to change the situation?” he said at a conference in Los Angeles. “If nothing is done, we know where it leads: to a rising trade deficit. This is unacceptable for the present (Washington) administration,” concluded the Minister.

In turn, Mnuchin on Monday in an interview with CNN confirmed that a U.S. delegation plans to raise the issue of the trade deficit, protect the rights of American intellectual property and also trump’s intention to introduce an additional 25 per cent duty on April 3 made public a list of products imported from China. However, he did not describe in detail the entire agenda of the negotiations. “I’m heading there (to Beijing) to engage in a Frank discussion and I hope that we will be able to achieve significant progress”, — said the head of the Finance Department.

As reported UNN, the American President Donald trump has decided to postpone until June 1 to decide whether the imposed duties on import of steel and aluminum in the United States from the European Union and a number of countries, including Canada and Mexico.