The conflict of regional elite and the authorities of Ukraine in the eve of local elections broke out in earnest. Against Kiev and made the city head of Ivano-Frankivsk Ruslan Martsinko.

I have the feeling that they want to destroy local self-government, “wrote Martsinko on his personal account on Facebook.

He complained of government not only for criminal cases against a number of mayors, but also for the reduction in the budget of local communities, the prohibition of Ukrainians go to work abroad, for land reform, problems with the promised payments to physicians.

Martsinko openly supported the mayor of Cherkasy Anatoliy Bondarenko, who courted the wrath of Kiev, weakening the quarantine early.

Quarantine is one for all and not for the elite, “- said the head of the Ivano-Frankivsk.

It is worth noting that the police on April 22 opened a criminal case on Martsinkiv under article 161 UK of Ukraine – “Violation of equality of citizens depending on their race, national origin and religion”. The reason was the conflict with the Roma. According to the investigation, Martsinko was told “to pack and take in Transcarpathia”.

On may 1, the mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk announced in Facebook that just returned from interrogation.

One thought is the quarantine one for all and one law for all“, – he wrote.

Scandal Cherkasy broke out when local authorities decided to relax the quarantine earlier than allowed by the Cabinet. For this they are criticized interior Minister Avakov, and the President Zelensky.

It is noteworthy that after “flaming greetings” of the President Bondarenko complained of threats. OP said that it is not relevant to what is happening.

We wrote that Bondarenko recorded a video message to the Ukrainian authorities, in which he promised to deal with them.