The man tortured his parents with a Taser

KIEV. 12 Dec. UNN. In Lviv the man in a condition of narcotic intoxication was beaten by his parents and used against them with the stun gun. It is reported by UNN citing the press service of the patrol police in the Lviv region.

The signal outside of Anton Golovaty on domestic violence was reported to the police today around 5:00 in the morning.

“A patrol from 3rd battalion, contacting 49-year-old Complainant, heard horror. 30-year-old son beats her and father and applies the Taser,” the statement reads.

When the inspectors arrived to the scene, heard screams from the apartment. The woman was screaming that his son is in a condition of narcotic intoxication, closed the door and snapped the key.

“By joint efforts of rescuers and patrol door unable to open. On the brawler handcuffed. The doctors examined him, took for treatment. A quick test confirmed drug intoxication,” – said in police patrol.

Recall that two former police officers suspected of torturing a detainee hot iron in order to obtain information from him about the crime he did not commit.