The Italian company has sold equipment to the Crimea to bypass sanctions

KIEV. 22 Dec. UNN. The Italian company Bertolaso confirmed the fact of delivery of the equipment for the new plant of “Zolotaya Balka” in anneksirovat Russian Crimea. It is reported by UNN with reference to radio Liberty, “Crim.Realities”.

The representative of commercial Department of the company Luca Bertolaso Carasso said that two months ago the company gave a firm “Zolotaya Balka” for the plant in Sevastopol machine for washing, filling and capping of bottles. Trade agreement, according to Carasso, signed with firm “Zolotaya Balka” – one of two owners of the enterprise.

“The contract signed with Russia, Agrofirm” Zolotaya Balka“ — Russia, but we knew that our product was designed for installation on the Crimean enterprises. First, the order was issued with the “Golden Beam” office in the Crimea, then the company’s address has changed, and at the request of the customer final sales contract signed with Russia,“ said Carasso.

However, he added, suggesting that the company “had to deal directly with the Russians.”

“Everything is legal, anything suspicious we see. We sell machinery to different clients, and they set — we are not interested. We consider Crimea as a favorable region for doing business with great potential for development. If you are asking about the sanctions and the moral side of the question, I finish the conversation,” — said the representative of commercial Department of an Italian company.

See ALSO: Ukraine and the EU discussed the implications of annexation of Crimea by Russia

Other Italian companies that, according to the factory representatives of Agrofirm “Zolotaya Balka”, which also supplied the Crimean enterprise of equipment did not comment extensively on the situation.

The company Gortani in a telephone conversation has denied the fact of cooperation with the Crimean plant, although its symbol and telephone contact is seen on the video presentation of “Zolotaya Balka”. At the same time, the company Innotec or Robino & Galandrino not confirmed nor denied the information about the transaction with the Crimean company.

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The Ukrainian Embassy in Rome believes that the delivery of the equipment to anneksirovat Crimea is a violation of European law. As reported at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, together with European partners will react to these facts. Ukrainian diplomats are keeping track of such violations and has sent four mentioned companies requests to explain the possible cooperation with the firm “Zolotaya Balka”, but the answer is no.

Recall, the EU Council extended the economic sanctions against separate sectors of the Russian economy for six months.