Died a famous actress Ethel eyler

KIEV. 22 Dec. UNN. In the United States on 89 year of life died a famous actress and singer Ethel eyler, known for her role in “the Cosby Show” and “the Bodyguard”. It is reported by UNN citing The Hollywood Reporter.

As noted, Euler died in the Californian city of Loma Linda on November 18 of this year. Information about her death appeared only on December 21.

Help UNN: Ethel Ayler was born in Whistler, Alabama, may 1, 1930. In 1957 she made her debut on Off-Broadway in the musical of Langston Hughes “Simply heavenly”. Later in the same year she debuted on Broadway as an understudy Lena Horne in the musical “Jamaica,” which was a multiple nominee for the award “Tony”.

Euler is remembered by the audience by the role in “the Cosby Show”. In addition, she appeared in such films as “the Bodyguard” and “Nine and a half weeks.” Also, the actress starred in the TV series “Melrose place,” “Friends” and “the Customer is always dead”.

Recall, the famous actor Ken berry, who played in a Comedy TV series “Andy Griffith”, died 1 Dec in the US, 86-m to year of life.