A team of scientists from Ireland are unable to come to consensus on the use of ancient bronze swords and decided to find the truth in a practical experiment. They ordered a set of replicas of swords and staged a series of fights, reconstructing various situations in battle. It is noted that none of the scientists are not affected, in contrast to their weapons, but damage to the metal was the aim of the study.

Alloy of bronze and tin, because of its simplicity and the availability of components is one of the oldest, but he has no strength, which is needed for military weapons. Excessive wear makes this equipment unsuitable for permanent use, so there was a hypothesis that the numerous finds of swords from the Bronze age belong to the ceremonial weapon. But scientists are confused by the damage on the found artifacts – swords were still used. But how exactly?

In the experimental battle, the men tried to hit with full force, causing the blades remained Zaruba, dents and other distinctive marks. The researchers compared these injuries with archaeological finds and came to the conclusion that ancient swords were still fighting. Moreover, the nature of wear they were able to track the General and personal evolution in the use of bladed weapons at the turn of I-II century d BC the territory of modern Ireland.

An experienced fighter not only uses his weapons, but taking care of him, protects and repairs. He tries to minimize the damage to the blade, applying different kinds of locks. After analyzing 2500 samples, the researchers found that even in those days when the General weak development of civilization there were fencing schools that taught sophisticated methods of combat to compensate for low-quality weapons.

Source — Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory