UZHGOROD-KIEV. May 2. UNN. In the state of Gosgeokadastr in the Transcarpathian region has denied the information on detention on a bribe of 200 thousand dollars to the management of the office. This is stated in the information which was circulated by the Ministry, reports UNN.

“…April 2, 2018 in many regional, all-Ukrainian Internet media and social network Facebook Alexander Prisolec and Larissa Gar, press Secretary of the UN – reported, common called “In Transcarpathia detained on a bribe of 200 thousand USD leader and Deputy Chief management Gosgeokadastra in the Transcarpathian region”. We inform you that the statement is unfounded and inaccurate. This information does not correspond to actual circumstances of the case, as well as defamatory and false information about GU Gosgeokadastra in the Transcarpathian region and the heads of state Gosgeokadastra in the Transcarpathian region, which are not detained by law enforcement agencies for receiving improper benefits in a specified amount and are on their jobs…” – stated in the message.

But the Ministry confirmed that employees of the National police and use in the Transcarpathian region conducted a search in the offices of heads of Main Department.

“No money is discovered and the prosecution in the presentation of suspicion is not awarded”, – said in Gosgeokadastre.

We will remind, on a bribe of 200 thousand dollars detained the head and the deputies of the office of Gosgeokadastr in the Transcarpathian region. In this regard, in the Transcarpathian regional state administration came to searches. The fact of the searches confirmed in the GPU.