The “discovery” of Europe: in which countries soften quarantine

KIEV. May 11. UNN. A new stage in the easing of quarantine measures in most European countries was launched on may 11. This writes Radio Svoboda, reports UNN.

In particular, as noted, in the Czech Republic, and throughout Europe, partially weaken isolation measures taken in connection with the pandemic COVID-19. Open almost all shops, including major supermarkets, the enterprises of sphere of services will resume cinemas, albeit with a limited number of audience and Seating arrangements through a number of in the cinema. Open the museums and art galleries of the students will return to classes, the newspaper writes.

However, people in the Czech Republic is still strongly advised to keep your distance in public places and the wearing of masks outside the home is required.

See ALSO: Czech Republic plans to impose testing and quarantine for persons traveling abroad

The easing of the quarantine regime in the UK, announced by the evening of may 10 the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson, as noted, “proved to be the most conservative of all European countries”.

Johnson urged Britons to remain vigilant, noted that from now on they will have more opportunities to be outdoors – to walk in parks, play sports, etc. – but has not promised any major concessions in the coming weeks. You can go to the woods or on the beach, meet up with friends – however, strictly observing a two-meter distance.

It is also stated that in the near future can be introduced a 14-day quarantine for anyone arriving in Britain from abroad. Most of the shops and schools not scheduled to open until June, hotels will remain closed, likely until July.

The opposition and the leadership of Scotland has criticized the Prime Minister criticized for the lack of specificity in his Sunday speech, the article says.

See ALSO: advises the European Commission to extend the ban on entering the EU until June 15

Italy has long been the main European center of coronavirus infection. Simply quarantine the country was two months, the first partial easing came in early may. Restaurants and cafes began selling its products on the go, but it is expected that they will fully open in June, if the number infected with the coronavirus again begin to grow. Running of the stores, opened parks, from may 18 to join them, as museums and most of the retailers. Schools, however, will remain closed until the end of the school year. May 4, returned to work more than 4 and a half million Italians.

In Spain , the second most affected by the coronavirus EU country – mitigating the isolation began only after the daily number of victims COVID-19 fell from 700-800 to less than 200 and continued to decline. At the end of April I returned to work, the trading and construction companies since the beginning of may made possible a walk in the Park and playing sports, then he opened the part of the enterprises of sphere of services for example hairdressers. Restaurants and cafes trade on the go. For lovers of the sea and the main joy is the opening of the beaches. In this may 6, the Spanish Parliament approved the extension of state of emergency for another two weeks.

READ ALSO: French Parliament extended the state of emergency until July 10

In France on may 11 begins the easing of quarantine, but in a specific way: the government divided the country into two zones – the “red” (Northern and North-Eastern regions, including Paris and the surrounding area) and green (rest of France). To strengthen the departments of prohibitions more: will remain closed secondary schools, parks, will not be lifted some restrictions on travel. In the “green” areas will almost eliminate the necessity to pass that the French during the period of quarantine had to make in order to move outside the home. The school will return about 1 million children and 130 thousand teachers.

In Germany, it is reported that the opening of the services sector and separate branches of economy, the regions will be regulated basically on their own, but the main stages are coordinated, and most importantly – for the whole of Germany there is a single constraint: if in any district the number of new infected will exceed 50 per day on 100 thousand persons of the population, there needs to be re-introduced strict quarantine.

We will remind, on may 11 in Ukraine weaken the quarantine.