Ulyana Suprun
The Verkhovna Rada Committee on health care majority of votes approved the draft resolution, which proposes to Express no confidence to the acting Minister of health Ulyana Suprun and to recommend to the Cabinet to dismiss her from office. About this Facebook said the head of the Committee Olga Bogomolets.
According to her, the draft decision States that the reason for this decision is the “acute social tension that has arisen in connection with the breakdown of the program of state procurement of medicines in 2016 that has signs of neglect of official duty”.
Petitioner believes that in addition to the resignation Suprun must be opened criminal proceedings against her “for the destruction of the health care system of Ukraine and its human potential”.
Yesterday, the Ministry of health decided to terminate the contract with the rector of the National medical University Kateryna Amosova.
20 Feb 2018 Ministry of health has suspended the rector of the medical University Catherine Amos and the Director of the testing Center under the Ministry Irina Bulakh alleged that students were not able to pass the exam in dentistry “KROK”. Amos was accused of the situation the Ministry of health and noted that some officials allegedly want to question the effectiveness of its management.
Then the health Committee took the side Amosova.
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