The military situation in Ukraineproperty at the entrances to Odessa increased armorPhoto:

Only in the region there are 31 posts

05.12.18 419000

At the entrances to Odessa is 31 posts some of them were reinforced with armored vehicles. About it reports Department of communications GUNP in Odessa region.

In particular, it is reported that on the territory of region has 31 posts, seven of which are stationary and 24 mobile.

“In General, on the territory of Odessa region has 31 posts, of which 7 are stationary and 24 mobile. They are placed on state roads and at the entrances to the regional center. The purpose of the visit – prevention of offenses. Some of them are heavily armored vehicles”, – stated in the message.

At checkpoints police work, National guard, and, if necessary, bomb experts, dog handlers, members of the Armed forces of Ukraine, and armored vehicles.

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On some posts law enforcement officers are serving round the clock, on the other – in shifts. They examine vehicles to identify possible offences and the carriage of prohibited items: firearms, explosives and the like. The free movement of vehicles, their exit and entry to the settlements is not restricted.

Also clarifies that only stop suspicious vehicles.

“Total freeze-no control. Stop suspicious vehicles, may stop vehicles with foreign registration, those on external signs similar to the searched and of course if the driver violates the traffic rules,” – said the head of the Odessa police Dmitry Golovin.

He added that for the smooth movement area do not have to have a passport. If necessary, the documents will be checked online using the electronic databases of the police.

We will remind, in Sumy and Donetsk oblasts, in which martial law has established a mobile checkpoint of the National guard and police.

Earlier it was reported, tosakan on martial law came into force. The law says a presidential decree on the introduction of martial law for 30 days in Vinnytsia, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Kherson regions and the internal waters of Ukraine the Azov-Kerch water area.

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, opening Monday forum “70 years of the universal Declaration of human rights: agenda for Ukraine”, noted that the military situation is a preventive measure for a period of 30 days, which has been introduced for the prevention of aggression and minimizing its consequences.