The government withdrew the former Governor of Odessa
region Mikhail Saakashvili as a candidate for the post of Vice Prime Minister for
reforms. This was reported by journalist Yuri Butusov on his page in the social network.

“The big story of Saakashvili’s appointment
ended with a quiet “sink” – the appointment is locked and it is unclear
will be there at all”
, he said.

Butusov noted
that the presidential faction after long negotiations, managed to collect around 170
votes for the appointment of Saakashvili from 248 deputies. In party chat the willingness
vote said not more than 100 members.

At the same time, former MP and journalist Sergei
Leshchenko noted that the Saakashvili became
known about this during the meeting with the faction “the Voice”, which was held in
Tuesday to discuss his candidacy and collection of votes.

To get 226 votes for his candidacy was
a difficult task, but some of the politicians that are lobbying for Saakashvili wants
to abandon this idea and will try to push it into factions with the participation of
President before the session on Thursday.

“The last word, as we previously reported, the Vladimir Zelensky”, – Leshchenko added.

Before Sergey Leshchenko reported that the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Dmitry Razumkov opposes appointments to positions in the government of foreigners.

Earlier it was reported that all the past week was in the debate about why the government want to appoint Mikheil Saakashvili.