
Sensational attempt at the Odessa activist Oleg Mikhailik has found another scandalous turn. The Ukrainian side has not provided documentary support for the removal of the main material evidence – the bullet from the body of public man should learn surgeons in Germany. UNIAN learned, what could be the consequences of such “blunders”.

Mikhailik has found another scandalous round / photo

The case of the leader of the Odessa city organization of the party “People’s Force” Oleg Mikhailik who was shot on September 22, 2018, again thundered all over the country. As it turned out, the Ukrainian side fails to fulfil its international legal obligations. We will remind, in the public man was shot in the center of Odessa – Osipova street, near the house in which he lives, near the building of the regional Central Directorate of national police. The victim, who received severe gunshot wound in the left part of the chest and shoulder, and was hospitalized. To the rescue men who had lost a lot of blood and death, joined best doctors in the region. Health activist interested in personally Petro Poroshenko – head of state, who was at that time in the United States, called Evgeny Grigoriev – to the chief physician of Odessa city clinical hospital No. 1, which brought the victim…

Local doctors, to stabilize the condition of the wounded, came to the conclusion that the bullet to extract is not worth it, and the protection Mikhailik – what surgery is better to do abroad. As lawyer Vadim Roman oksiuta, this is due to distrust of the law enforcement system.

“We fear the change. We still have no understanding of what weapons were used,” said Oksyuta, expressing doubt about the fact that three citizens of Georgia, arrested on suspicion of attempted murder, the crime involved.

“These people, like, from criminal circles, but Oleg with them never crossed paths,” said the lawyer.

Indeed, police and prosecutors said that the detainees are members of an ethnic organized criminal group. In Odessa, they lived in rented apartments, which were raided and as a result, one of the defendants seized firearms. Because of it, according to the investigation, shot Mikhailik.

However, the story of the Georgians, as they say in Odessa, a kind of “muddy”.

So, one of them – Tornike Agladze (Gerasin), which law enforcement officers were originally called “brain center” of the assassination, – the invalid of the first group to travel without speckles and assistance simply cannot. This is evidenced by the documents provided by his protection, family, and himself – out of jail a suspect was brought to the court on a special medical gurney. Just during one of the meetings, the witness identified the suspect, saying that the day of the crime he had bought in the store a SIM card for a mobile phone. The alien and the “calculated” law enforcement – in the evening of 22 September, she “lit up” near the scene.

Due to the arrest of a disabled scandal – right in the hospital where he was taken after the interrogation, and where exactly in that time was Oleg Mikhailik. In particular, representatives of the Georgian Diaspora broke through to the chamber where he lay helper, and resisted the police. In this regard, thirteen people were taken to the police, three of them promised to deport. According to the chief of the Channel Dmitry Golovin, in our country, they were illegal. In addition, upon the events at the hospital opened criminal proceedings under article 342 (Resistance to representative of authority, employee of law enforcement Agency, member of public formation on protection of a public order and state border or a serviceman) of the Criminal code of Ukraine.

The suspects, however, angels do not consider myself, but categorically denied any involvement in the assassination of the activist. Doubts it himself Oleg.

“By and large I have is very little doubt that these people are not what customers, and even performers,” said the activist, pointing out that the conflicts had only entities directly connected with the city power.

The activist said about the tragic events barely remembered / photo of the Duma

Waiting for the evidence

To pay for the maintenance in prison of disability, first Deputy head of the National police of Ukraine Vyacheslav Abroskin asked the Consul of Georgia in Odessa of Tornike, Berekashvili. As reported the UNIAN in the regional head office of national police, the meeting, which discussed the question of stay in detention of a foreigner took place at the initiative of the Georgian side. Abroskin has promised that all the necessary medical examinations will hold, but noted: arrested the attacker, who is suspected of serious crimes.

However, the court changed the measure of restraint, Deglaze with the content in jail-hour house arrest until January 22, 2019. During the meeting, interviewed as a witness Consul, Berekashvili, said: in the detention center, the suspect disabled the corresponding conditions not provided.

At the same time, law enforcement officers insist that the attempt involved the above mentioned citizens of Georgia and promised to prove it. Created enhanced investigative and operational group of representatives of various law enforcement agencies, under the procedural management of Prosecutor’s office of Odessa region.

The activist argues: about the tragic events remembers almost nothing. According to him, on 22 September after participating in a protest against the construction near the Dolphinarium, he was involved in “operational matters” related to the company, which employs. In the evening, returning home, suddenly felt pain and burning in left chest…

“Meet me nobody was coming, I didn’t see who shot and did not hear the shot. Don’t know how it happened,” – said Oleg. According to Oksiuta protection associates attempt exclusively with social and political activities Mikhailik. This may be to protect the interests of investors of residential complex “Gold coast”, and overall political participation of Oleg, in particular, his performances against the leadership of Odessa.

“In any case, we believe that there is an international crime syndicate. Hope for the “system” we have no reason,” stressed the lawyer. He stressed: the protection does not prevent the investigation, on the contrary, does everything to ensure that organizers, performers, customers detained. To shed the light on the case can the ill-fated bullet.

Expect and the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko. Being not so long ago in Odessa, he said that currently, “the investigation is awaiting” the specified evidence, from the body of the wounded will draw foreign doctors.

“It (the bullet – UNIAN) we will give the law enforcement agencies of the country in which you operate activist” – said Lutsenko. Then conduct an examination to determine whether a match bullet with a “very specific” weapons seized from Georgian citizens.

As reported the UNIAN Oleg Mikhailik, the operation will be in one of German clinics.

For this reason, in Kiev, met with the Ambassador of Germany in Ukraine, Ernst Reichel.

“The German government agreed to arrange and pay for a complicated surgery to remove the bullet, which was stuck at 2 cm from the aorta and 3 cm from the heart,” said Mikhailik. According to him, necessary medical documents were sent to the clinic, their study has allowed foreign physicians to determine the operation in mid-January, but…

…The Ukrainian side has not prepared the necessary documents for the legality of the seizure of the bullet and its further transfer to Kiev for attaching to the case.

“Our law enforcement officers had an agreement: as soon as it becomes known the exact date of the transaction, we will notify, they will prepare the documents and send to Germany,” – said Oleg Mikhailik.

The social worker noted that on the day of the operation he became known on 18 December 2018, on the following day – December 19 – was informed by law enforcement agencies.

At the same time, according to the activist, in the Main investigation Department of the National police of Ukraine on 30 December said documents to prepare time, as for this “we need 2 months.”

“According to procedure, official papers was to prepare the national police and the General Prosecutor of Ukraine. Documents need to a bullet attached to the case as material evidence. Instead, I was given the package that it will need to package and transmit our Consul or to bring to Ukraine. The process of operation offered to commit their forces”, – the activist told.

It was originally planned that the representative of the German law enforcement will be present at the operation, pack material evidence and sealed the package for transfer to the Ukrainian side, as required by the procedure. Now, as suggested by the lawyers Mikhailik, domestic law enforcement may refuse to attach it to the case and the court is not to admit as evidence.

The attorney General’s office has promised to perform its obligations / photo UNIAN

Attackers will be able to “sleep peacefully”?

As noted by well-known Odessa lawyer Artem Kartashov, the relevant documents, Ukrainian law enforcement officers had to arrange in the framework of international cooperation.

“If this package of documents is designed and implemented, the main proof in this case (the bullet) may not be recognized as a result of the violation of the order of receipt, and in the future will not have probative value”, – said Kartashov. And the performers, intermediaries and customers unfinished murder “unable to sleep”, since the establishment of the weapon from which shot, much more difficult. Examination of bullets might cast doubt on that in the future will affect the results of the investigation.

According to him, the absence of such material evidence or violation of the procedures of its receipt will allow law enforcement officers to continue to insist on the “Georgian trace”. Even if this version is untenable. Then behind bars may not be involved in the assassination, but the real customers (intermediaries, artists) will get some sort of approval and “green light” for other murders.

When this material was prepared for publication, it became known that the Prosecutor General’s office promised to still fulfill its obligations. However, according to UNIAN Oleg Mikhailik, it officially informed him yet no one has (as of noon on 4 January).

“Despite the huge outcry, the investigation of the assassination attempt on me, in Ukraine nobody needs” – said the activist.

The complete history of the transfer of the documents is still unknown. I want to believe that the planned procedure will still take place and official statements by officials will not be empty words.

Larisa Kosova