KIEV. June 22. UNN. The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine fined the operators of the gas station on 41 million UAH for a consistent increase in prices of liquefied petroleum gas in late summer 2017. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry, reports UNN.

“Recognized as a violation of the legislation on economic competition protection, under paragraph 1 of article 50 and part of the third article 6 of the Law of Ukraine ”On protection of economic competition“, the price increase on liquefied petroleum gas as a motor fuel (LPG) in its implementation at retail in August 2017, despite the fact that analysis of the situation on the market denies any objective reasons for committing defendants of such actions”, – stated in the decision.

The relevant document, the regulator adopted at the meeting on Thursday, June 21.

In particular, the group “Hope” (CHP “Nadiya”, LLC“Evrostandart-Avtogaz”, “L. V.”, “Gas postachannya”, “Montazhnaladka”, “Nadezhda Retail” and “Hope-Zakarpattya”) fined 11,971 million.

In turn, the WOG group (OOO “Import TRANS Service”, “VOG Retail” and “Avtotreid Resource”) must pay 14,793 million.

Group of companies “OKKO” (PE “OKKO-Biznes Kontrakt” and “OKKO-Contract”, JSC “OKKO-Retail” and “OKKO-Shid”), the Committee has decided to fine on 6,414 million.

In addition, OOO “Avantazh 7” will have to pay a fine of $ 3,271 million UAH, LLC“Factoring group” – 4,548 million.

According to AMC, in August 2017 was no objective reason for the simultaneous increase in prices for liquefied gas.

Recall, for 5 months of 2018 in the state budget from the control of the arrested assets of ARMA received 3.5 million hryvnia.