Zaitseva have been doing everything possible to reduce the period in the first instance, the journalist noted.
From the group of opiates in urine Zaitseva found only codeine / photo

From the group of opiates have supernumerary bloody accident in Kharkov, Elena Zaitseva found only codeine. Test strip react specifically on the codeine. The experts said they need the number of these codeinew. To understand how they affect the body.

And institutions that can count this number in Ukraine. From there somehow the urine is not sent. About this on his page in Facebook wrote journalist Tatiana DIAC, drawing attention to the testimony of the doctor-psychiatrist Helen Fedirko, which confirmed the fact of reception Zaitseva opiates, but refused to admit that she was in a narcotic state.

Read taksakravi accidents in Kharkiv: the debate on the case Zaitseva-Dronov moved

“Fedirko confirmed the outstanding pose of Romberga, wobbly gait, lethargy, constricted pupils. Because I could not confirm. Otherwise article. But whether it was the drug as he does not know. Suggests that this could be the result of traumatic brain injury. But Zaitseva traumatic brain injury was not confirmed,” — said the journalist.

“Test strip reacts when codeine in the urine is 300 ng per ml. So, I can confidently say, Zaitseva was codeine not less than 300 ng per ml”, she added.

According to DIAC, hope that the Prosecutor will alter the indictment and add weights, it was not. Not all of them together with the investigator worked hard on the stage of the investigation.

“From the very beginning Zaytsev understood that she was to sit. The question was only how many. Did everything to reduce the term in the first instance. Even less appeal. Then early release. And aggravating circumstances in their plans not vhodit,” – said the journalist.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on 8 October 2017 in Kharkov at the intersection of streets Sumy and lane Mechnikov clash “Lexus” 20-year-old Elena Zaitseva, who was moving at red lights with exceeding the speed limit, and the car “Volkswagen Touareg”, at the wheel which was a 49-year-old Gennady drones. After the collision, the Lexus took off on the sidewalk and knocked down 11 pedestrians. It killed five people, one more person died from injuries in hospital.

The court took custody of Dronova and Zaitseva at the time of the investigation. The first tests showed the presence in the body Zaitseva opiates.