Netizens believe that the singer was heavily addicted to plastic surgery.
Lorac has again criticized / photoОпальную Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak, who lives and works in Russia, has again criticized in the network.
See also”Hot!”: charms Ani Lorak excited the network (photos)
40-year-old actress posted to Instagram a black-and-white photo, which was not pleasant to its subscribers. Many are unhappy that the singer allegedly had a crush on plastic surgery.
“Artificial”, “One silicone, Botox decently aged”, “Like a clown smile!” “The horror! What was before, but now the nightmare, already Tired of her bare to watch,” write the users of the network.
Earlier UNIAN reported that the Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak, who lives in Russia, spent her vacation in Miami, the Russian singer Sergey Lazarev.