The developers introduced the world to the augmented reality and came to a standstill at a crossroads. People were not willing to pay significant money for full implementation, such as Microsoft HoloLens and Magic Leap One, but because the content creators are not in a hurry for them to do. Capacity of the usual smartphone, even the flagship, only enough for simple, detached from reality entertainment – an example of a Pokemon Go before my eyes. And here comes into play the startup Ghost.

Ghost is a headset with the same operating system on Board, which is positioned as a link between app developers, augmented reality and smartphone manufacturers. Structurally, it is the case with a projector and a sensor, which is inserted into the iPhone 6th generation and newer, Google Pixel or a Samsung Galaxy models S7 and S8. Further, the computing capacity of the smartphone is used to generate augmented reality.

In the description of the Ghost indicates that the system provides a survey on 70 degrees, is able to navigate through smartphone sensors and creates an image of such quality, which is able to display the particular phone model. OS Ghost makes it easy to take the window with any standard application and “hang” it in the virtual space that the user could move in the real world and simultaneously work with the software. Plus there is support for virtual reality at the level of Google Cardboard.

The bottleneck of a startup is its utopian nature, in the moment, developers can only show a concept, not the prototype headset. But when you collect a minimum of $80,000, is necessary for the realization of ideas “in the metal”, then it will be possible to judge the advantages and disadvantages of the headset. But release dates are optimistic on the market, sales of Ghost may appear already in February 2019 and for the price of just $79 per copy for project sponsors.

Source — Ghost