Kiev authorities reported on the suppression of unlawful advertisingPhoto: / Sabina Krezhenstovskaja

At KCSA predicts that the amount of advertising on the streets will decrease significantly for the past two years

10.04.18 19000

In Kiev during March 1 392 dismantle illegal advertising.

This was told in the press service of Kyiv city administration.

It is noted that of this amount, 838 units dismantled by the owners themselves advertising.

In General, we are talking about the elimination of the following promotional tools: banners – 533; signs – 327; electronic scoreboard 10; roof design – 21; brackets – 100; lastposter on the facade – 1; lastposter detached – 15; flag, flag – 1; time extension of special construction – 147; banner-wide banner above the street – 1; transport – 4; cabinets, freestanding – 35; holders – 170 shields on the facade – 8; shields, standing separately, is 19.

The city authorities predict that the amount of advertising on the streets will decrease significantly for the past two years.

In KSCA said that the new Rules of placing of advertising funds are the concern of all types of advertising, including the facade. They clarify permitted and prohibited formats of the designs and their sizes. The number of null zones, where advertising is prohibited at all, is also increased. Innovations valid from April 2017.

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So, under the new rules, the advertising structure should not impede pedestrian traffic and block the traffic signs are placed in places of concentration of road accident and so on.

Also, the placement of advertising constructions must be used in a radial approach with distances from 40 to 150 meters, depending on their size between the smallest sizes (city lights) from 40 meters to 150 meters between the large formats (billboards).

Now the city is more than 7,000 surface structures. According to the plan, the number should be reduced to 4 390 units.

Recall, the capital was removed last Christmas garland.