Student from Kharkov never missed a lesson after 11 years of training

Deonis Tkemaladze

KIEV. 20 Nov. UNN. Kharkov for 11 years of schooling never missed a lesson. This was announced by the head of the National registry of records of Ukraine Lana Vetrova on his page in Facebook, reports UNN.

“Kharkov Deonis Tkemaladze achievement surprised even the most experienced experts on the records: no one missed lesson during the 11 years of schooling in secondary school,” wrote Vetrov.

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Guy confirmed his achievement diaries and school magazines for 11 years.

“And a certificate confirming this achievement, signed not only the headmaster, but a further 18 teachers who witnessed this unbeaten record,” said the head of the National registry of records of Ukraine.

As reported UNN, the teacher of English language Galina Orlova became the record holder of Ukraine for the number of years worked in the same school. The national Committee of records of Ukraine officially recorded its experience of 58 years and 10 months.

We will remind, in celebration of the 11th anniversary of the news Agency UNN officially set a record of Ukraine – the application of news on the edible surface.