Small and medium business in Moscow region has received deferred payment of some taxes for six months.

  • © Eugene Vadim Epanchitsev
  • RIA Novosti

About it reports TV channel “360”.

“VAT and insurance contributions, the date was until April 25 of this year — moved up to may 15 this year. It is important that in a separate column are the deadlines for small and medium-sized businesses in the affected industries. Deadlines 15 April transferred for six months — until October 15 of this year”, — said the Deputy chief IFNS of Russia in the region Olga Vorontsova at the meeting with Deputy Chairman of the government of the Moscow region Vadim Temple.

She also noted that for obtaining the installments and delays in the affected industries do not need to submit a special application.

The accumulated debt for taxes and insurance premiums can be paid later in equal shares.

As explained by Vorontsov, the actual dates for the payment are transferred more than a year in order to support small business.

Earlier, the expert economist Mikhail Belyaev during a conversation with BAFS “the Economy today” evaluated measures to support business in Russia.