In the incident were involved the two largest clan of the Montenegrin town of Kotor.
Illustration / REUTERS

During a firefight in the center of the Austrian capital of Vienna, which occurred on Friday, December 21, killing a member of a mafia clan from Montenegro Vladimir Roganovic.

It is reported by the Austrian newspaper

“The trail leads to two of the largest clans of the Montenegrin town of Kotor. According to many media, the victim was Vladimir Roganovic, member of the “clan Kowakian”, – journalists report.

According to the publication, in 2009, Roganovich convicted of the murder of the leader of another rival clan, and in 2017 in Belgrade was jailed for eight months in jail for forgery.

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The second victims, who were seriously injured during the shooting, was 22-year-old Stefan B. from the Montenegrin city nikšić. According to witnesses, they saw the criminal and his victim together at lunch, during which there was a quarrel. Presumably, we are talking about dismantling two criminal clans from the Montenegrin town of Kotor.

It is noted that “the clan Kowakian” at war with other clan. In 2016 in the course of this war for only one month was eliminated 8 people and another 4 were injured.

As reported the UNIAN, in the centre of Vienna in front of the restaurant Figlmuller shooting occurred, killing at least one person was killed and one was injured.