The guards say they have uncovered a criminal network for the organization of the undermining of the electorate, and the GPU I assure you that we are talking about a global bribery of electors.

In Odessa region exposed an underground network of bribery of voters, according to “Диалог.UA”.

Information about the incident on the eve of elections on the page in facebook published the General Prosecutor of Ukraine Yuri Lutsenko, who did not hide, whose campaign headquarters was caught in such indiscretions.

While Lutsenko has published pictures from the event.

“Against the background of statements of the candidate u of the universal bribery power — another arithmetic lesson “black cash” for its all-Ukrainian network of Deputy D. this time – Odessa region”, — wrote to the attorney General.

Local journalists later revealed details of the controversial incident. According to them, the incident with the detention took place in the city of Podolsk, in the electoral headquarters of Tymoshenko, where security forces raided and searched. We also learned about the amount seized in headquarters. We are talking about 6 thousand Euro 16 thousand US dollars and more than 800 thousand hryvnia. In SBU believe that this scheme could cover several districts, this money was intended for heads of electoral commissions as bribery.

We will remind, Tymoshenko has categorically refused Boyko in the coalition agreement after the parliamentary elections.