The Internet sparked a major scandal after the social network got the video from the corporate program “Time will show”, one of Russian Federal channels, where heavily drunk presenter Artem Sheinin staged a drunken brawl.

The behavior of the Russian leader, who
famous for the hatred and constant insults of Ukraine in the air, struck

On published frames Scheinin in condition of strong
alcoholic intoxication is standing on the stage in a black shirt with the words “fu_k you”.
Using obscene language, he requires the audience to take up
a glass of alcohol.

“Just PI*EC!! A drunk presenter
“Time will tell” channel “ORT” Scheinin at corporate. Mat-peremat t-shirt with the inscription fu_k you!! Why not
rocky written on the Mat? The bottom in the bottom is rolled culture and ethics
the first channels and leading them in the Russian Federation”, – commented live user
published footage.

Just piez!!
The drunk leading the program “Time will show” channel ORT
– Scheinin – on corporate. Mat-peremat t-shirt with the inscription fu_k you!! And why not rocky written by Mat? The bottom in the bottom slid culture and the ethics of first channels and the leading in Russia