In Odessa on the action, a fight broke out between activists and police officers

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KIEV. 25 Dec. UNN. During the campaign against the construction of the dog training grounds near the memorial of 411th battery in Odessa there was a scuffle between its members and police officers. It is reported by UNN with reference to the Department of communication GUNP in Odessa region.

“The protesters with tear gas and started a fight with the guards. During the campaign, one of the perpetrators was expressed by obscene abuse towards police officers. They took him out of the event and escorted to the police squad car for delivery to the police station. Two other protesters to prevent law enforcement officers to detain the fellow, went after him. One of them hit a COP and the other had a disobedience to the police and prevented them to put in the car of the offender”, – said the police.

Three people were taken to the police station.

“In the Unified register of pre-judicial investigations information submitted under article 342 (Resistance to representative of authority, law enforcement bodies, state Executive, private artist, member of public formation on protection of a public order and state border or a serviceman, the authorized person of Fund of guaranteeing deposits of natural persons) of the Criminal code of Ukraine”, – noted in GUNP.

IN “Automaidan” in Facebook announced the arrest of the head of the Odessa branch of the organization Vitaly Ustimenko during a rally in the Park of 411-th battery.

“The head of the “Automaidan” Odessa branch Vitaly Ustimenko just detained at the rally “we will Not allow to steal the Park!” against the building of a green zone in the Park 411th coastal battery in Odessa. Also detained Oleg Cojusna, the head of the “Street Front” Damian has Hanula and Chapter “Nazarus” Sergey Varlamov,” said the organization.

We will remind, in June in Odessa once again attacked the activist. According to the journalist Natalia Usatenko, we are talking about the activist Vitalie Ustimenko. On this fact police opened criminal proceedings under article “attempt at murder” – provided by part 2 of article 15, part 1 St. 115 criminal code of Ukraine. Subsequently Ustimenko provided state protection. The court took one of the suspects in the assassination Ustimenko into custody.