11 may marks 20 years since the famous computer Deep Blue was forced to surrender the then world chess champion Garry Kasparov. Thus began the era of competition between live players and their computer counterparts. You should give credit to the programmers developed their programs since then never knew the bitterness of defeat.

Today the baton from computers are mechanical robots-players, independently perestavaya figure. The first of them – the Russian robot Chesska, designed by the famous coach of the Russian chess Konstantin Kostenko.

The robot weighs 50 kg and can simultaneously play on three boards, to arrange the pieces and even play with yourself. Inclusion occurs remotely from the remote, then setting the duration of the party. In case of victory Chesska will show “victory dance” will throw up the mechanical arm and even bow to the opponent.

Conventionally, the robot consists of two main “parts” — the mechanical, which is presented hand based on an industrial manipulator with grasping mechanism and electronic “brains” with the set of chess programs.

Chesska duel with the German Kuka robot

It has no camera that can recognize shapes and squares. Instead, each figure has installed the chip and under the Board – reading system. The clock is also connected to the Board. The whole system by a cable connected to the computer, which takes a “solution”.

On account of Chesska victory over the Russian giants of chess Alexander Grischuk, Vladimir Kramnik, Sergey Korjakina and President FIDE Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. However, the most significant was the victory in may 2012 over the German Kuka robot Monster in all parties.