Reva has told about an essence of pension reform

It involves the principle of “pension or job”
Pension reform in Ukraine, which is expected to be held in 2017, should provide the rule that retired citizens will lose the right to work. In an interview with the Realist , said Minister of social policy of Ukraine Andriy Reva.
“Worldwide, the rule – either the pension or the salary. After the pension reform when the pension will be enough, you need to be a rule – either you work and get paid and retiring later, but you will have a pension anymore. Either you leave immediately and receive a pension, but do not work”, – said the Minister.
Employers who will not formalize working pensioners, will face a fine in the amount of 320 thousand UAH.
- See ALSO: media: In the draft Memorandum with the IMF stipulates the introduction of a new pension tax
Also, according to the Minister, Ukraine can do without raising the retirement age. To reduce the deficit of the Pension Fund will be effective other tools, says Reva.
He added that Ukraine has chosen the path of increasing the number of payers of social contributions instead of reducing the number of pensioners increase of retirement age.
“No need to reduce the number of pensioners, it is necessary to increase the number of taxpayers, and we have such an opportunity due to the huge shadow economy,” said Reva.
He noted that in the context of negotiations with the IMF were carried out calculations that show that raising the retirement age for citizens does not solve the main issue – the deficit of the Pension Fund.
According to Reva, today in Ukraine there is a situation in which those who worked for 35 years, paying the social contribution, and those who were not working or were working illegally, without paying anything, get the same size pension.
“So we say: if you have 30-35 years of service – you will receive a pension, and even more due to a special factor, but if you worked, paid nothing – go to work on until you earn”, – said the Minister.