Prices for vodka, beer and wine still retain the relative stability of – state statistics service

KIEV. July 16. UNN. Ukraine is the fluctuation of the prices of alcoholic drinks, however, it is very slight, and the target value of the goods affected, except that in the 2-10 cents. This is evidenced by data of the state Statistics Committee, reports UNN.

So, in may of 2020, a bottle of table wine domestic production of 0.75 l cost an average 67,08 UAH, while in June — UAH 67,10 (+ 0,03%).

The cost of vodka: in may 2020, a bottle of vodka of 0,5 l cost an average 92,23 UAH, while in June — 92,13 UAH (-0,11%).

Cost of domestic beer production fell by 0.17% to 17.5 UAH for a bottle of drink with a volume of 0,5 L.

However, experts predict that the fall in prices of alcoholic beverages can increase. And associate it with the intentions of the government to review MRC upwards.

So, Alexey Doroshenko recalls that MRC alcohol are not revised for almost 2 years, but because the political will for such a solution, he said, is already there.

Earlier UNN wrote that in the TOP 5 reliable alcohol producers in Ukraine, experts consider: “BAYADERA Group” (TM “Khlebny Dar”), “global spirits” (UDC) (TM “Khortytsya”), “LVN limited” (TM “Nemiroff”), distillery “Prime” (TM “Prime”, “Zhitnik”, “Malinovka”) and OOO “Atlantis” (TM “green day”).