The sun emits powerful electromagnetic winds that envelop the planet in our solar system like a giant bubble. This magnetic bubble is called the heliosphere and protects the planet from dangerous space radiation.

Scientists have long believed that the heliosphere is in the form of a comet – with a distinct nose and long flowing tail. However, according to a recent study published in the journal Nature Astronomy, the situation is quite different.

After a series of global simulations carried out for different missions NASA, astronomers said that our heliosphere look like a “flattened croissant”. Or a giant space prawn.

Recently, scientists were able to establish the exact centre of our solar system, but its true form remained a mystery. By combining data from various NASA missions, including the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), probes, Cassini and New Horizons, astronomers were able to construct a three-dimensional model that describes the shape of our heliosphere. The graphical representation you can see in the picture below. This work is extremely important for future space travel. It will allow us to prepare astronauts and ships to attack hard cosmic radiation that await them on the moon, Mars and other planets.

Source — NASA