On duty station in Odessa attacked with a knife

KIEV. 27 Nov. UNN. Night at a call center for the relocation of the Odessa trunk attacked by an unknown assailant with a knife. The incident officer was hospitalized in a local hospital. This was reported by the press center of the regional branch “Odesa railway”, reports UNN.

“On November 24 on duty at the crossing, 26 km haul Ksenyeva-Akkara attacked by an unknown assailant with a knife. The incident occurred during night shift duty moving Ie”, — stated in the message.

See ALSO: Woman tragically died under the wheels of the Express

About the case was informed, the duty of the police Department, the ambulance and the emergency at Odessa militarized guard detachment of the regional branch “Odesa railway”.

On the scene arrived the police and ambulance. Doctors found the victim a minor cut lip, however, until she is diagnosed with “concussion” is in the hospital. Circumstances of incident are investigated. The leadership of the branch gave the order to set to December 1 at the crossing, which was attacked by the employee of the branch metal grate.

See ALSO: Machinists of the locomotive announced the suspicion of the abuse of a woman’s body, which was hit by a train

We will remind, under the Kremenchug due to sabotage on the railroad that almost killed the driver.