Odessa police arrested armed psychicsPhoto from pravoslavie.ru

They offer their magic services at a price from 40 to 60 thousand dollars

06.12.18 87000

Odessa police tracked down in the capital a group of psychics scams.

About it reports a press-service of the regional police.

“Workers of the Odessa office of strategic investigations, together with the staff of the Department of strategic investigation to the NPU and the control CORD GU NP in Odessa region detained three members of a criminal group who was wanted by law enforcement for committing fraudulent actions”, – said the police.

According to the investigation, members of the group more than two years has deceived the citizens, pretending to be psychics.

They offer their magic services at a price from 40 to 60 thousand dollars.

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“When the deceived victims, without any positive impact on their lives, demanded to return the money, the scammers threatened them “karmic” punishment. One of those victims turned for help to law enforcement agencies”, – reported in police.

Now 40-year-old “healer” and her two accomplices, 1987, and 1988 years of birth, was detained. One of them was discovered cartridges of 7.62 mm, which were submitted for examination.

We will remind, militiamen detained “thief in law” Nukri Gali and jointly with the State migration service deported him from Ukraine with a ban of entry for 3 years.