Near Odessa 6-year-old girl mauled by street dogsPhoto:

The girl was returning from school one

24.03.18 142000

In Liman district of Odessa region was hospitalized 6-year-old girl who was mauled by street dogs.

The tragedy occurred on March 23, approximately at 15.30 in the village of Light when the girl returned home, wrote UNIAN with reference to public activist Ruslana Demchuk.

“Stray dogs literally mauled 6-year-old Dasha, who was returning from school. The child was taken in serious condition to the intensive care unit. The girl put more than 100 stitches. Parents are in a state of shock. Today was transferred to a regular ward,” said the man.

According to him, the child was attacked by three dogs.

The operation lasted until late at night. The victim – a head wound (damaged ear, volume degloving wound), back, legs.

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The locals claim that he had repeatedly appealed to local authorities in Alexandrovsky village Soviet, that in the village there were dogs that are very aggressive behave. People claim that the authorities any action is not taken, and today the alleged representatives of the village Council “tried to poison the dogs.”

Doctors insist that the animals should be monitored for 10 days to rule out rabies and the spread of the disease, which dogs need to be isolated. Currently, the activists strive to raise funds for the victim.

In the police state of emergency has not yet commented.