By Paul Manafort (photo – Getty Images)

Investigating a possible link between the Kremlin and the election of Donald trump President of the United States spectracolor Robert Muller fully empowered to investigate the relationship between the ex-head of the electoral headquarters of the trump Paul Manafort and the Ukrainian government under Viktor Yanukovych. This became known from the court documents, writes Reuters.

Some of these documents were released in response to attempts by Manafort to question the validity of the Mueller investigation against the consultant in his “Ukrainian” background.

Yet Manufactu charges in connection with the presidential campaign of 2016 or the fact that it could be associated with the Russian authorities. However, he is accused on 12 counts, including: conspiracy against the United States (probably talking about relations with the Russians during the American elections); working as a foreign agent without being registered; money laundering (transfers to foreign accounts, including in Cyprus and the Seychelles), evasion from payment of taxes.

See also: Manufactu faces more than 300 years in prison

Journalist Frank Foer, which published an investigation in The Atlantic about Manforte, claims that the Deputy Chairman of the faction Opposition bloc and Yanukovych ally Serhiy Lyovochkin, requested the money of the Ukrainian oligarchs on the needs of American. Levochkin deny this information.

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