The top leadership of the UOC-MP can be infected with a new coronavirus-type SARS-CoV-2. About it reported the edition “Religious truth” with reference to informed sources.

They claim that the diagnosis COVID-19 confirmed by the rector of the UOC MP Metropolitan Onufry and his entourage: the Metropolitan Anthony, as well as the spiritual rector of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Bishop Silvester. Moreover, it is reported that all three were allegedly hospitalized with symptoms of coronavirus infection under false names.

Most likely, Metropolitan Onufry will not conduct the Paschal Liturgy as it is now more important issue is their own health, not the reputation of the Church, “- said the source.

It is noteworthy that in the evening of 17 April, allegedly infected with coronavirus Metropolitan Anthony participated in the talk show “Freedom of speech Savik Shuster”. Live out of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. And, according to sources, specially at the time left the clinic.

It is worth noting that “Religious truth” was the first one in early April, reported the outbreak COVID-19, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The UOC-MP is still silent on this issue. However, the information is confirmed personally by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

Rumor has it that they are infected and hospitalized with coronavirus, the Abbot of the monastery, Metropolitan Paul. Also know about the three dead priests.

Despite this, the UOC-MP, in contrast to other Christian churches of Ukraine, did not abolish the Easter service. For it the Moscow Patriarchate came under criticism.

We also wrote that Metropolitan Onufry is a risk for coronavirus. He recently had a meeting with the Deputy opsi Vadim Novinsky, who through the day have confirmed the diagnosis COVID-19.