Marijuana legalized in ThailandPhoto: YouTube

However, for medical purposes

25.12.18 135000

Today, 25 December, the national legislative Assembly of Thailand approved the use of marijuana for medical purposes.

About it reports Reuters.

“This is a Christmas gift to the national legislative Assembly, the government and Thai people,” – said the Chairman of the drafting Committee Somchai Sawaengkarn.

In Thailand , which can allow them to dominate the market, hindering the access of Thai patients to medications.

“We are going to demand that the government withdrew all these requests for a patent before the law comes into force,” – said Dean of the Institute of integrated medicine and anti-aging treatment Pantip Propongan.

  • See ALSO: Legalize sweeping the planet. What will the legalization of marijuana

Note that drugs in General and marijuana in particular are illegal and banned in much of South-East Asia. Dealers of marijuana may be subjected to the death penalty in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Recall, 11 December the New Zealand government passed a law that legalizes the use of marijuana for medical purposes. December 1 in the Georgian Parliament in the third reading approved a draft law to protect citizens from the harmful effects of marijuana, stricter legal framework for the use of this drug product.

From October 17 to adult residents of Canada are allowed to wear or distribute to 30 g of marijuana for recreational purposes. At home is allowed to grow up to four plants and make food products kanybetov for personal use.