The expert noted that since 2008, bitcoin has experienced a lot of fluctuations and periods of pessimism.
Illustration / REUTERSКурс bitcoin in the coming years, will stop falling and will jump to record highs – 40-50 thousand dollars.

This forecast was voiced by the financial Advisor Alexey Polovinkin, commenting on fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market, transfers “observer”.

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According to him, the fluctuations of the cryptocurrency up-and-down occurs for a variety of reasons.

“In the beginning of 2017 – 1 thousand dollars value of bitcoin, the end of the year 20 thousand dollars. The growth of 20 times, but before there were a thousand, the rate also fell, rose, and thousands, many who had the skepticism in General towards cryptocurrencies. Someone realized that if he fell heavily, then it’s time to buy, wait until 20 thousand. Many bought apartments themselves, which was not even planned,” the expert reminded.

Polovinkin said that now, when the exchange rate of bitcoin fell drastically, there are two categories – the majority is, the minority purchases.

“My personal opinion. The next “ceiling” is 40-50 thousand dollars per bitcoin. When it will be in three, four years – I can’t say for sure. But that fluctuation will be – it is unambiguous”, – he stressed.

The expert noted that since 2008, bitcoin has experienced a lot of fluctuations and periods of pessimism.

“Yet Warren Buffett is a good expression – when people shout about investissement, it is necessary to get out of it. So it was at the rate of 20 thousand and the majority came. When you begin to be silent and to say “it’s not very good, it’s scary” – you have to go”, – concluded financial Advisor.