25 December, the IDF activated its missile defense system in connection with missile launches from Syria. Was retaliated against Iranian targets near Damascus. Attack was conducted with the aircraft of Israel who were in Lebanese airspace

Syrianarabnewsagency / www.youtube.com

25 December, the IDF activated its missile defense system in connection with missile launches from Syria. Was retaliated against Iranian targets near Damascus. Attack was conducted with the aircraft of Israel who were in Lebanese airspace.

In Damascus said that we are talking about the largest-scale Israeli attack after the incident of 17 September 2018, when Syrian air defenses attempting to attack IDF planes, mistakenly shot down a Russian reconnaissance aircraft Il-20 that led to the deaths of 15 Russian soldiers.

Israeli media reported citing unofficial sources in Syria that the attack was issued at least 22 rockets, reports NEWSru Israel.

The website Nziv , citing a Lebanese source reported that as a result of attacks on targets in Sabur, West of Damascus was destroyed a warehouse of missiles “Fajar-5” Iranian production (range up to 75 km), which was guarded by soldiers of the 4th division under the command of major-General Maera Assad. In addition, the district Dimaska was attacked the headquarters of the terrorist organization “Hezbollah”, located in the local school. The Aloes were fired at the headquarters of the 4th Syrian division, the Katana – staff of the 10th Syrian division. In the town of al-tal, North of Damascus, was attacked by a war factory. In addition, attacks were made on the headquarters of the 68th brigade of the Syrian and 137-th artillery battalion in the Khan al-Sheikh.

The magazine Newsweek, referring to the Pentagon, says that as a result of a missile strike by the Israeli air force at Damascus airport, suffered several high-ranking members of the Lebanese Shiite terrorist organization “Hezbollah”, ready for departure to Tehran. According to the report, a source got this information from the Israeli military.

State television in Syria, SANA reported that the Syrian air defense (PVO) repelled several Israeli missiles. “Our air defenses confronted with the missiles launched by the Israeli military aircraft from the Lebanese territory and shot down most of them before they reached their goals,” said a military source. According to him, the attack was fired at the weapons depot, and three soldiers were injured.

Officially, the IDF neither confirmed nor denied the involvement of the Israeli air force for this attack.

Publications in the Israeli media noted that the attack on targets West of Damascus was struck a few hours after at the international airport of Damascus, landed the Boeing 747 civilian Iranian airline Fars Air Qeshm, which is likely delivered to Syria of military equipment or weapons. Previously it was repeatedly reported that civil planes of the Iranian airlines carry military cargo.

It is also reported that the target of the attack could be a delegation of Hizbullah, who arrived in Damascus from Beirut at about 16:00 to Board the Iranian plane and go to Tehran for the funeral of a deceased 25 Dec senior Iranian official Hashemi Shahrudi.

Tweet CNW published a video showing one of the episodes of rocket attacks on the Syrian objects in the evening of 25 December. Judging by the comments to this video shows how Syrian anti-aircraft missile system s-125 “Neva” is trying to intercept the missile, but eventually affects the building in the vicinity of Damascus.

Video of an S-125 Air Defence missile impacting a small building just outside Damascus after malfunctioning rated, this happened numerous times to Syrian Air Defence missile tonight#Syria #Damascus pic.twitter.com/XSI4JD9VwT

— CNW (@ConflictsW) 25 Dec 2018