Jamal Khashoggi

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International criminal police organization issued an international warrant of arrest 20 citizens of Saudi Arabia suspected of involvement in the murder last year in Turkey, Saudi journalist Jamal Kalkaji, reports TASS.

Interpol issued “red notices” against two dozen Saudis, meaning the order of detention. Orders issued against the members of the team, arrived in Istanbul for the murder Hackage.
The warrant was issued by Interpol at the request of Turkey, the newspaper said.

Recall, a columnist for the American newspaper The Washington Post, Jamal Khashoggi, was killed on 2 October in the territory of the Consulate General of Saudi Arabia in Istanbul. Turkey is an official investigation of this crime.

In Saudi Arabia in connection with the murder Khashoggi was taken into custody 21 persons. Suspects indicted, and five of them the Prosecutor intends to seek the death penalty.

In a criminal case, there are videos of the arrival in Turkey of a “kill squad” of 15 people, among whom was even the medical examiner with an essential tool to dissect the body of opposition journalist. In addition, the last hours of life Khashoggi, when he was tortured by the Consulate General before death, were recorded on the Apple Watch, which the journalist in advance transferred to the record mode and synchronized with my iPhone, left the bride.

According to the version which has been rejected by the Saudi authorities, the order to kill Khashoggi gave someone from the Royal family. On 29 October, published in UK newspaper The Daily Express reported that the British electronic intelligence service learned of the impending Saudi Arabia kidnapping Khashoggi three weeks before his murder. The intelligence source told the publication that the order came from a member of the Royal family, but not from the heir to the throne of Mohammad bin Salman al Saud.

Meanwhile, the Prince is considered the most likely customer violence. The reason could be the opposition social activities Khashoggi. He, in particular, discussed plans to create a youth network of the movement for counter-propaganda against the government of Saudi Arabia.

In correspondence with Saudi activist Abdulaziz Omar Khashoggi called the crown Prince “the beast” and the digital character Pacman. “The more victims it eats, the more he wants, – wrote the journalist about the Prince. – I would not be surprised if the repression reaches even to those who support it”. In addition, Khashoggi had intended to publish data on the use by Saudi Arabia of chemical weapons in Yemen.

In the framework of an “electronic army” of critics of the regime were supposed to be sent to Saudi Arabia a large number of SIM cards, which would be impossible to trace: it would allow the opposition to publish posts to Twitter. Khashoggi also promised to provide the initial funding for the project in the amount of 30 thousand dollars and to enlist the support of wealthy sponsors. However, in August correspondence with Khashoggi allegedly were intercepted by the Saudi intelligence services.

Saudi Arabia reluctantly, and not immediately, but acknowledged the fact of murder Khashoggi. However, Riyadh denied any involvement of the Prince of the crime. Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the order to kill the journalist acted “with the highest levels of government” in Saudi Arabia. The same version adhere and in the us Senate. But the President of the United States Donald trump says he does not believe in the involvement of Saudi crown Prince to the high-profile murder of a journalist.