Russian agents integrated into the state apparatus at all levels – from the bottom up to the very top. This was stated in
live political talk show “Freedom of speech Savik Shuster” known
Ukrainian journalist and TV presenter Dmitry Gordon.

According to Gordon, in Ukraine at all levels of management
government has a huge number of agents of FSB of the Russian Federation and even the KGB. And they were and are not only in the SBU,
the Prosecutor’s office or the Ministry of interior, but in General – at the top, “where go thread
management of Ukraine”. And it’s especially bad, given the heavy military
the time that Ukraine is now experiencing.

The journalist emphasizes that many people it is often
write or call for a meeting that he just “evokes fear”
and it’s not that serious. In contrast to such perspectives, Gordon noted that
because of their profession and years of experience, he was lucky enough to chat with
a huge number of very influential people in the former USSR and post-Soviet

As an example, Gordon led a unique personality
as Philip Denisovich Babkov, who was the army General and the first Deputy
the Chairman of the KGB Andropov. According to Gordon, it is closed literally
all agents of the Soviet Union.

“This man had a complete card file on all the agents
The Soviet Union,” said Gordon.

Gordon also was able to talk with the chief of counterintelligence
KGB, fled to the United States of America General Kalugin, Victor
Suvorov, the legendary defector from the Soviet GRU, which is
UK and with the head of the security service of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin Alexander Korzhakov. According to Gordon, he
in fact, led the country while Yeltsin was “not out of the binge”. On
latest Gordon drew particular attention.

The fact that a week ago, Gordon has recorded with it the next
interview in which he openly spoke about what is known to him personally.

“If the heads of intelligence and counterintelligence gave
the oath is not to call the agents, I do in the protection serve, and I have agents to call
can. Want, I call you now?”, recalls Gordon words Korzhakov,
after which he began to list the names of the agents of the KGB, who were in
the helm of the state.

“He called Viktor Yanukovych, he called Valentina
Yumasheva – head of the administration of President Yeltsin, which led Putin
to Yeltsin. He even called our popular TV presenter. Don’t want to call
name, is not ethical,” said Gordon, and continued: “what I’m saying? I
say that the capture of General Shaytanov is good. But I am talking about,
about the global. That we have on all levels of government continues to be
a very large number of agents of the KGB and FSB”.

According to Gordon, during an interview with Korzhakov he said
“if ordinary people knew who was guiding them and one of their idols
are intelligence agents, they would have gone mad. They would have cried”.

Recall that according to well-known Ukrainian journalist and TV presenter Dmitry Gordon, detained the General-the major of SBU Valery Devils could plan the elimination of the head of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov.