In the US, more than a hundred children coronavirus has caused a dangerous inflammatory syndrome the immune system “eats” the internal organs


As stated by the mayor of new York bill de Blasio, the city discovered this syndrome in 38 children, in 9 cases the diagnosis is not yet confirmed

NYC Mayor’s Office /

When children come to the hospital, they have no symptoms, which are usually associated with coronavirus, but soon, the reaction of the organisms becomes catastrophic

The National Guard /

The authorities of the city and state of new York reported that the medical record in children dozens of cases of the dangerous systemic inflammatory response syndrome, apparently associated with the new coronavirus.

As stated in Sunday, may 10, the mayor of new York bill de Blasio, the city discovered this syndrome in 38 children, in 9 cases the diagnosis is not yet confirmed, reports Fox News. The ill children there is an excessive immune response leading to lesion of the internal organs. A statement on the syndrome was made and the state’s Governor Andrew Cuomo. According to him, the state is checked 85 cases of this syndrome. From its consequences in the state could die three children, the youngest of whom was five years old.

When children come to the hospital, they have no symptoms, which are usually associated with coronavirus, but soon, the reaction of the organisms becomes catastrophic.

Symptoms of inflammatory syndrome similar to the Kawasaki disease (inflammation of arteries) and infectious-toxic shock. It begins with severe abdominal pain, gastro-intestinal diseases diarrhoea, vomiting. Some children also observed fever, fever and skin rashes, lesions of mucous membranes, lymph nodes, conjunctivitis. Recorded signs of toxic shock and heart problems.

The proportion of children tested for coronavirus, 47% of them were infected, and the body 81% of children had antibodies to the virus.

About the emergence of this syndrome in children also reported doctors in Britain, France and other European countries. Representatives of the national health system (NHS) in the UK in late April, has written to doctors in the country warning about the growing number of cases where children end up in the intensive care unit with systemic inflammatory response syndrome, which is similar with Kawasaki syndrome. In this syndrome affects the blood artery. The exact etiology of the disease is not known, direct treatment does not exist.

Doctors also warn that one of the complications of coronavirus in children can be a mental disorder.

Specialists of the Department of psychiatry, University of California at San Diego believe that severe mental disorder can occur in children whose mothers had COVID-19 during pregnancy.