About 30 people were illegally detained in the former penal colony. For the mistakes they were beaten and starved.
“Slaves” were beaten and starved / photo: GU NP Odessa region
In Odessa region law enforcement officers detained two participants of criminal group, verbovka people for illegal labour exploitation.
As reported the UNIAN in Department of communications of the Main Directorate of Ukraine in Odessa region, on October 10, on suspicion of human trafficking police arrested two people – a 42-year-old man and 41-year-old woman who was looking for people to further labour exploitation.
It is established that in 2018 the members of the group recruited about 30 people – residents of the cities of Nikopol, Cover and Manganese of the Dnepropetrovsk area.
In particular, for recruiting the band members chose people who were in difficult financial situation and had promised them high salary, social package and comfortable working conditions in the Odessa region.
Promised the people a comfortable environment / photo: GU NP Odessa region
“It was forced to work hard on farmland for 12-13 hours. Any mistakes were cruelly punished – beaten or deprived of food. The victims lived in barracks in the former women’s penal colony in Ovidiopolsky district of Odessa region behind a high fence,” – said in the Chapter.
The complex of buildings, which contained people, was guarded round the clock, for which the attackers also used dogs.
The above suspects followed the content recruited “slaves” and supervise their work.
Currently, the police completes the documentation of criminal activities of other group members. The issue of the arrest of all those involved in the crime.
As noted, the investigation of the massive attraction of people to the labor slavery was conducted by employees of management on struggle against crimes connected with human trafficking of Odessa and Dnipropetrovsk regions under the procedural management of Prosecutor’s office of Dnipropetrovsk region, as well as with the assistance of the Ministry of social policy.