Live In the Odessa area children were treated by the pediatrician with an open form of tuberculosisPhoto from open sources

The doctor had contact with 600 children

24.04.18 127000

In Belgorod-Dniester Odessa region at the district pediatrician revealed an open form of tuberculosis. Among her patients were 600 children under the age of 14 years. It is reported Purshia montepaldi.

The chief doctor of the Belgorod-Dniester General hospital Igor Foreman reported that a pediatrician was hospitalized. In turn, the head of the Department of health Tatyana Sibirtseva said that the woman suffered from chronic lung disease, so I do not suspect that he was sick with tuberculosis.

  • See ALSO: a Scary diagnosis. Why tuberculosis be cured easier than the associated stereotypes

Children who had contact with a pediatrician, will soon have to undergo chest x-rays and do a Mantoux test.

We will remind, in the Ministry of health said that for the first time in the last 7 years in Ukraine there is a sufficient number of vaccines to cover the immunization of all age groups who are in need.