The Drager device showed the driver the result of 2.47 ppm while the maximum allowable is 0.2 ppm.
Large-scale road accident without victims took place this evening at Pushkin / Dussasana, January 2, in the center of Odessa the drunk driver of a foreign car has rammed three parked cars.

See also the pass in the Carpathians, the tourist bus fell into a ditch (photo)

As reported the UNIAN in the patrol police in the Odessa region, the accident took place on Pushkinskaya street.

“The driver of the car Geely, being in an alcohol intoxication, has not coped with management and has made arrival on three parked cars. At the moment the materials of the accident and adminprotokol for driving in a drunken state”, – told the police.

In Department emphasize that the Drager device has shown positive result of 2.47 ppm while the maximum allowable is 0.2 ppm.