According to the representative of the Odessa Central Board, the attacker is the brother of the former Prosecutor of the Factory Department of the Nikolaev local Prosecutor’s office.
Police are looking for a suspect in the beating / photoВ Odessa police are hunting the attacker, who was brutally beaten a local resident in new year’s eve.

As reported the UNIAN, the representative of the Main Directorate of the National police in the Odessa region, the incident occurred on the night of January 1 on the street Sakharov, 36 (Suvorovsky district).

It is noted that the suspect beat the man, 1980 year of birth, near the entrance of a multistory residential building.

According to witnesses, the conflict began with the fact that the victim’s wife and her friend near the entrance of the house, made a remark to the man in the car drove onto the sidewalk, blocking the entrance. In particular, the driver began to threaten women with physical violence and insult them, using profanity.

“The cries came from the house of the victim. The suspect jumped on him punched in the face. When the man fell, continued to strike him multiple kicks to the face and head,” – said in the Chapter.

As a result, the victim received serious injuries and taken to the Odessa regional clinical hospital. Doctors diagnosed a traumatic brain injury, a fracture of the base of the skull, bleeding in the brain.

The suspect in the beating disappeared.

See also occupied Crimea, Crimean Tatar activist beaten

According to informed sources in the Directorate of national police, the suspect, who owns professional skills of kickboxing (according to others, Thai Boxing) is now under investigation in another case. In particular, in April 2018 in vradiyevke of the Nikolaev area together with friends in the street was brutally beaten a young man and his elderly parents.

“Then intervened in the conflict, local entrepreneur and member of ATO, which forced the company to move away from their victims. But the fight then continued on the territory of the cafe “Victoria”, which belongs to businessman,” he told police. It is noted that more serious consequences in vradiyevke managed to escape, as the entrepreneur managed to get was the gun that threatened his attacker. According to police, when at the scene, law enforcement officers arrived, the suspect “continued to throw on them.” Upon hooliganism criminal proceedings were begun.

As noted by the representative of the Odessa Central Board, the citizen – a native of Vradiyevka, currently residing in Odessa, and is the brother of the former Prosecutor of the Factory Department of the Nikolaev local Prosecutor’s office.

In the communication Department of the Main Directorate of the National police in the Odessa region, the UNIAN confirmed the incident on new year’s night. It is noted that on the fact of infliction of heavy bodily injuries opened criminal proceedings.