In the capital of Slovakia opened a quarantine camp for the homeless

KIEV. April 17. UNN. In the Slovak capital on April 16 opened a quarantine camp for the homeless. As reported by Radio Liberty with reference to the mayor of Bratislava, the main purpose is to provide protection during an outbreak COVID-19 the most risky social group – homeless, informs UNN.

“The fact that we are protecting this group, we protect other Bratislava and public health so that this infection does not spread in the city,” — said the mayor of the Slovak capital Matos Valla.

Now quarantine the town can take 50 people. As reported by the Slovak media, in Bratislava live about 4 thousand people without a home. Among them are still not registered a single case of coronavirus. If necessary quarantine the town in Bratislava will be able to provide shelter for the homeless 230.

According to the Ministry of health of Slovakia, on April 16 the number of people infected with coronavirus has risen to 114 people, the total number of patients COVID-19 reached the number 977. Also today, two of the infected people died. a woman in Presov, people in Bratislava. Thus, the total number of victims of coronavirus infection achieved in SK-eight people recovered from the infection 167 people.

Recall, according to the latest Ministry of health in Ukraine recorded 4161 case of coronavirus disease COVID-19, from them 116 — lethal. Everything in the world is ill more than 2 million people.

Respiratory disease COVID-19, which causes infection of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, was first detected in China’s Hubei province, at the end of 2019. From the moment of infection with this virus have been recorded in 185 countries, including Ukraine. Since March 11, the world health organization recognized the spread of the disease — a pandemic.

Later, the head of the who Tedros Aden Gebreyesus stated that a pandemic of the novel coronavirus is accelerating at an exponential rate.

In turn, at the end of March the head of the IMF Kristalina Georgieva said that the world economy went into recession. Later, in the report of the organization for 14 April, the IMF said the global economy is the worst year since the great depression.