Photos In pursuit of the selfie, more and more tourists to Australia become victims of kangarooPhoto: Tripadvisor

Instead of pictures, people often get scrapes and bruises

03.05.18 15100

In Australia occur more frequently attacks kangaroo on tourists who do animal bait products with the goal of making them self. This writes ABC.

“People get the kicks and scrapes almost every day”, – told tourist bus driver Shane Lewis.

According to him, one woman after the attack the animal got 17 stitches on my face.

In most such incidents, the fault lies with the tourists who lure kangaroos carrots and other tasty treats to make with them self.

“Kangaroo see at least 2,000 tourists a week, and they do not need 2 thousand carrots or bananas, bread, chips and biscuits. I even saw some silly people were feeding them McDonalds, KFC, corn chips, oats, and because these products they become aggressive,” explained Lewis.

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Sometimes animals attack people only because coming from them smell write.

“Was the guy who was stabbed in the stomach, and he fed them, but … he was at McDonald’s for 10 minutes before, so he was still the smell of food, I have no idea, but somehow a kangaroo attacked him,” added Lewis.

According to experts, kangaroo, likely lost its fear of people and began to feel the hunger because of adjusting to nontraditional products.

“If they see a carrot and fed it to her hundreds of times tourists, they are going to come and take the carrots. And while they can be quite aggressive, they can kick, they can scratch with their front paws and cause considerable damage, especially when they’re trying to get those products that they really like”, – said the employee of Australia zoo Andrew Gave.

Photo: ABC / Shane Lewis

Previously, users of social networks drew a picture of a kangaroo, made 27-year-old Vincent Jackson in the heart of Margaret river in Western Australia.

Kangaroo took a specific pose, which people interpreted as a demonstration of strength. Some saw similarities between the animals in the river and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on a fishing trip.