KIEV. May 3. UNN. In 2018 in Kiev, it is repaired three prospect. About this said on air “5 channel” the General Director of QA “kievavtodor” Alexander Thickened, reports UNN.

“This year will be the implementation of the prospectus of a name of Stepan Bandera. We will continue on the street Teligi and at the same time will work Bandera. That is, the direction between Sulewski the overpass and the North bridge will be completed before the end of the year,” said Thickened.

He added: “this year will be made overhaul of the entire Palladina Avenue and the streets of the city on the Big ring.”

The Giant street — works project, which is yet to pass the examination. But probably work on Heroic will be carried out in 2019, said the head of “kievavtodor.”

The thickened also explained why it is still not repaired the roads in the centre of the capital: “the Ability of the city to skip the traffic does not allow you to do a complete overhaul of the main streets, covered with paving stones. Last year we Independence Day passed overhaul Mikhaylovskaya street. Imagine if we shut down European square”.

The thickened added that “kievavtodor” purchased European equipment to repair the road surface around the hatches.

As reported UNN, Groisman said that Ukraine will repair all the roads.