In Paris died Georges Louange who saved more than 300 Jewish children

Georges Louange

KIEV. 31 Dec. UNN. Hero of the French resistance movement Georges Louange, who during the Second world war saved over three hundred Jewish children, has died in Paris at the age of 108 years. It is reported by UNN with reference to BBC.

Georges Louange came up with very surprising ways to save Jewish children from death and to transport them to the territory of neutral Switzerland.

He was born into a Jewish family in Strasbourg. In 1940 he served in the French army and ended up in the hands of the Nazis, however, managed to escape from prison.

To escape from captivity, helped the white hair and blue eyes – it took the Jew and placed in ordinary prison camps.

One of the methods of save the children, a fictional Georges Louange, was associated with football.

He found a football field right on the border with Switzerland, and were brought there children to practice.

As he later told the field was high border fence, but there was not always security.

When the children played football he was throwing the ball to the side fence and asked them to fetch him. In this part of the children, he asked quickly to cross the border and escape to Switzerland.

Another method of saving children is to dress them in mourning clothes and taken to the cemetery near the Swiss border. The ladder of burial children climbed over the high wall of the cemetery and quickly found themselves on the territory of Switzerland.

It is generally believed that George Lange during the war rescued at least 350 children.

Recall the famous Ukrainian dissident Levko Lukyanenko has died on 89-m to year of life.