The author of the sculpture Alexander Milov became the first Ukrainian art festival Burning Man more than three years ago.
Odessa is a world-famous art object / Screenshot – TSN

Multi-ton installation of Love, which became famous all over the world after the demonstration at the iconic American festival Burning Man, now adorns the Park of one of the districts of Odessa.

Read tageskarten cats in Odessa, after the first snow dressed in hats, scarves and socks (video)

This is stated in the story TSN. The author of the sculpture Alexander Milov became the first Ukrainian art festival in Nevada more than three years ago. Since then, he dreamed that the installation has adorned his native city.

To return the original home did not work – not enough money. However, the artist wanted the sculpture stood in the Park of his childhood, and began work.

Earlier it was reported that the sculptures kids-the founders of Kiev, Poshtova square dressed in winter clothes.