It is established that the Commissar demanded a bribe from the Director of private enterprise for assistance in that draft-eligible employees will not be exempted from military service and taxes, and they will be removed from the military account.
Illustration / REUTERSВ Odessa region when receiving a bribe in the amount of $4.5 thousand detained military Commissar of the Yuzhnensky city military Commissariat.

See also Odessa detained the police officer who took bribes from drug addicts

As reported the UNIAN in a press-service of military Prosecutor’s office of the southern region of Ukraine, the suspect was arrested yesterday, December 6, the staff of management of SBU in Odessa region under the procedural leadership of the military Prosecutor of the Odessa garrison.

It is established that the Commissar demanded a bribe for the assistance that military service workers, private enterprise will not be called for military service and fees, and they will be removed from the military account.

It is noted that on Thursday during the transfer of the agreed amount of the bribe, the official was detained. Now continue the urgent investigative actions.

The military Prosecutor’s office detainee is scheduled the notice of suspicion in committing a criminal offense under part 3 St. 368 Criminal code (“bribe”). Also prepares the petition in court about election of a preventive measure.

Pre-trial investigation by the investigative Department of management of SBU in Odessa region.

According to the press service of the regional Department of the SBU, the secret service operatives have established that the major extorted $6 million from the head and two employees of the private enterprises which were subject to mobilization of reservists in a military situation.

“For that amount the attacker promised to assist in the evasion of mobilization of representatives of this commercial structure. Militiamen detained the Commissar in an office office during receiving a bribe”, – said the press service.

During a search at the place of work in the investigation discovered $5.8 million and almost 50 thousand UAH.

Currently, the urgent investigative actions to bring to justice the other persons involved in this crime.