ODESSA-KIEV. March 7. UNN. Today, the market “Privoz” in the apprehension of criminals, the police used the gun of traumatic action. About it the correspondent was reported to UNN in the press service of GUNP in Odessa region.

During the activities in the framework of the operational-preventive operation “Migrant” police noticed four suspicious men were sitting in the car. Deciding to check their documents, the police approached the strangers and presented the official certificate.

See ALSO: IN the center of Odessa skirmish

At the request to get out of the car, the criminals tried to escape and had run to the police. As a result three militiamen were injured. They were taken to the hospital for medical assistance.

See ALSO: IN the center of Odessa skirmish, two men were injured

“To stop a vehicle the police used the traumatic weapon. Offenders – 29-summer inhabitant of Odessa and three foreign citizens at the age from 37 to 51 years – was arrested and taken to the seaside police Department. Now the issue of entering data in the Unified register of pre-trial investigations under part 2 of article 345 (threat or violence concerning the employee of law enforcement body) the Criminal code of Ukraine”, – noted in police.

Malefactors are detained.