Live In Odessa attacked Hrytsenko‘s Press service

The fight began after unidentified persons threw eggs at policy

28.11.18 651730

About 30 people in masks attacked today in Odessa the leader of the party “Civic position” Anatoly Gritsenko.

The incident occurred in front of the entrance to the office center “Terminal 42” where is the radio SHARK. Policies had to be there live.

“A group of people of sports appearance first blocked Gritsenko entrance, and then attacked the supporters of the policy which accompanied him. A few of them titushki beat, particularly one man dissected eyebrow. First aid was provided by paramedics that arrived on the scene. At the moment the police are talking to witnesses,” — said on the radio.

Anatoly Gritsenko, the incident has not yet commented.

  • See ALSO: Chepiga to Satanists. As trying to cheat the anti-Anatoly Gritsenko

According to the Duma, it was a bit different. Unknown threw Gritsenko eggs and threw a pumpkin — apparently in protest against some of his statements. After that a brawl broke out. Emergency did not exist. Police seized video from surveillance cameras.

This information was confirmed by the police. Gritsenko unknown pelted with eggs. Then a fight began, during which opponents used the gas canisters.

“Illegal actions were stopped by police who patrolled the streets. They separated the parties of the conflict and prevent its escalation. Now on the given fact initiated criminal proceedings under part 4 of article 296 (hooliganism) of the Criminal code of Ukraine. Police are interviewing witnesses and eyewitnesses of incident, and take measures for establishment of all its participants”, – stated in the message.

Recall that last year, Russia opened a criminal case against former defense Minister Anatoly Gritsenko for “incitement of terrorist activity”.